Feasibility study over
introduction of Red Routes in Liverpool
CONSULTATION is set to begin on the
introduction of Red Routes to speed up traffic flow on 3 key roads in Liverpool.
'Red Routes,' 1st introduced in London in 1991 and also used in the West
Midlands and Stoke on Trent; are major roads on which vehicles are not
permitted to stop, including loading and unloading. They are generally in
operation, from 7am to 7pm, on Monday to Saturday, although round the clock
restrictions usually apply near traffic lights and at bus stops. Blue Badge
holders and licensed taxis can still pick up and drop off.
A report to the City Council, on Friday, 15 December 2017 will be asking for permission to
begin a feasibility study into their introduction on the following routes:-
► Kensington/Prescot Road.
► Smithdown Road.
► A59 County Road / Walton Road.
The roads have been chosen to be looked at
because they are known to have congestion caused by inconsiderate and illegal
parking, which creates pinch points and leads to snarl ups.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Ann O'Byrne, said:- "Every driver gets frustrated by
other road users who show no consideration for others by stopping on major
routes or parking ½ on the pavement, causing inconvenience for pedestrians as
well. It leads to inconvenience, congestion, delays and increases pollution
because cars are stationary when they should be moving.
At a time when we are investing ₤250 million upgrading major routes across the
City, it is vital we complement this work by ensuring we have a free flowing
traffic network able to operate at maximum capacity.
As we continue to rebuild our City for the 21st century, attracting more
investment, jobs and people, we have to make sure road users can get across the
City as quickly and easily as possible. Delays to journeys cost businesses and
commuters both time and money.
We believe that the introduction of Red Routes could help ensure a smoother
journey, but we want to hear all views during the consultation period. This is
just something are looking in to at this stage. I promise we will listen
carefully to feedback and look to put into place measures which mitigate any
impact on local businesses if we decide to push ahead with 1 or all of the
What will happen
if approved?
► If Red Routes are introduced, they would replace all existing yellow line and
clearway restrictions and be enforced using the existing traffic cameras, which
were previously used for the bus lanes that were withdrawn in 2014. The Council
could also look at the potential of towing vehicles away, which it does not do
at the moment.
► If approved by the Cabinet, a consultation will get underway which will include:-
community events, an online survey and letters to people whose properties front
the affected routes.
We would love to know your thoughts and views
on this topic, sp please email us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.com with your comments...
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Golf resort plans move a step closer

PLANS to create a major golf, leisure
and housing development in Hoylake have taken a step closer today, as Wirral
Council's cabinet is set to agree the project moving to the next stage.
The proposed Hoylake Golf Resort will see 2 new championship golf courses built
including the only Jack Nicklaus designed municipal course in the country. The
plans also include a luxury hotel, conference centre and new houses. 1 of the biggest names in golf; Celtic Manor, the company behind the South
Wales luxury resort which hosted the 2010 Ryder Cup and 2014 NATO summit, will
manage the entire attraction and Story Homes will lead on the housing
development, both working alongside Jack Nicklaus Joint Venture Group.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Phil Davies, said:- "The Hoylake Golf Resort
will be a flagship development which will create hundreds of jobs for local
people and support businesses across the borough. As a globally significant
tourism and leisure attraction, it will support growth in our vibrant tourism
economy and attract thousands of additional visitors to Wirral every year.
Building on the success of the 2006 and 2014 British Open Championships at
neighbouring Royal Liverpool Golf Club Hoylake, the Golf Resort will cement
Wirral's leadership position with the international golf community, benefitting
from the visitors, tourism revenues and global attention that recognition will
bring with it. However, it is more than simply 2 new golf courses. Hoylake Golf
Resort will be a key leisure destination with a high end hotel, restaurants, spa
and conference facilities. It will prove to be an attractive offer for
international conferences and similar events."

The report to Cabinet details the next steps
to progress the proposals, including the Council expectation that the developers
complete the planning and various site investigations at their cost and risk.
The plan details the funding options being proposed and indicates the returns
the Council could expect to see through leveraging its assets and covenant
strength. It also provides the full financial proposal for how the development
will be delivered and, subject to it being agreed at the meeting, on 18 December
2018 ,
will allow for a full planning application to be submitted in 2018.
The full planning application would include the results of environmental and
transport studies, and will also involve extensive public consultation with
residents to ensure local views are considered and included in the final plans.

Cllr Davies continued:- "Working with partners with the expertise and
reputation of Celtic Manor, arguably the strongest brand in golf Hospitality
today, and north-west based Story Homes means we are confident we will deliver a
resort of the highest possible quality.
This is another example of Wirral Council being commercial, ambitious and
innovative. By using our resources and skills to secure major private sector
investment into our borough, we will create jobs for residents and generate
revenue for the Council.
The revenue this development will generate each year; significant sums in
Council Taxes and Business Rates; will be reinvested in supporting our
frontline services, and will go some way to start replacing the funding Wirral
has lost since austerity policies began in 2010."
Once the developer has completed all the studies and finalized the design for
the project, the Council will undertake further public consultation on the
proposals prior to the planning application being submitted and then undertake
further statutory consultation as part of the planning process.
There will therefore be plenty of opportunity for people to give their views on
the project and for these to be fully considered.