Meet Merseyside Police's
newest recruits

MERSEYSIDE Police, the office of the Police Commissioner
and partners, on Tuesday, 28 February 2017, have proudly presented their newest
recruits on the beat. 10 new Mini Police have put on their shiny, new uniforms
to become ambassadors for their School and local community.
The children, from Year 5, at Broad Square Primary School, Norris Green,
Merseyside, were introduced at a special launch event. To welcome them, the
National Air Police Support (NPAS) helicopter flew low over the School, and the
Mini Police and their School friends got the chance to meet the Police Horses
and Police Dogs, before looking around vehicles, with Officers and putting some
of their equipment to the test.
Each child has already been presented with their Mini Police uniform, consisting
of a baseball cap, polo shirt, fleece and high visibility vest.
In the coming months, the newest recruits to the Merseyside Police family will
take part in a number of learning initiatives and have some fun along the way.
The scheme has already been widely recognised for promoting positive engagement
between Police and communities, as the Mini Police represent their Schools,
beyond the School gates.
"Merseyside Police was launched the scheme in September 2016, with 40 children,
in Years 5 and 6, from Hatton Hill Primary School and St Monica's Primary
School, in Bootle, Merseyside and have since taken part in a wide variety of
activities. These have included road safety initiatives with Roads Policing
Officers, where they stopped and gave advice to drivers close to their Schools
about the dangers of speeding; delivering assemblies to their Schools about
Halloween and Bonfire Night safety; along with meeting and greeting dignitaries
at the Trip of a Lifetime prize giving event." said a spokesman for
Merseyside Police.

"2 of our Mini Police also gave the Chief Constable Andy
Cooke his toughest ever interview before Christmas, an in depth grilling about
Police issues which would have made Jeremy Paxman proud." Merseyside
Police also added.
Mr Paul Kinsella, Head Teacher at St Monica's, said:- "The opportunity to
represent St Monica's throughout Merseyside is fabulous. The Mini Police have
achieved a huge amount for young people and the experience will set a culture
which they will take into their teenage years."

Mrs Anna James, Head Teacher at Hatton Hill, said:- "We are
thoroughly enjoying seeing the children engaging with the public and learning
that the police are a force for good in society."
The scheme was originally developed by Durham Constabulary in 2011, when PC
Craig Johnson became the Beat Officer, within the Catchgate area in County
Durham. PC Johnson said:- "Our own Mini Police have made a huge difference
to Durham in the last few years, helping us with driving enforcement operations,
attending major events and always representing the Force, with pride and
Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Julie Cooke said:- "The Mini
Police are true ambassadors for their Schools, the community and for Merseyside
Police. We are looking forward to taking our new recruits on this special
journey, which will provide them with some fantastic opportunities and life
skills to help themselves and their communities grow stronger. The 1st 2 intakes
from Sefton have learnt so much and are an absolute credit to their Schools. I'm
sure Broad Square will represent the Norris Green community with the same energy
and passion."

Merseyside's Deputy Police Commissioner Sue Murphy added that:-
"I've been bowled over by the enthusiasm, energy and professionalism that
the young people from Hatton Hill and St Monica's Primary Schools have brought
to our Mini Police scheme. They have represented the Force and their Schools
brilliantly and their families and communities should be very proud. It's great
that Merseyside Police are now in a position to be able to expand this scheme
and help more young people to get involved with the Police from a young age. I
warmly welcome Broad Square Primary School to this initiative and I look forward
to meeting their students over the coming months."
