Better by bus
PROPOSALS set to transform bus travel
which include enabling customers to travel on any bus, anywhere across
Merseyside for 1 price are set to go before the Merseytravel Committee on Thursday, 2 March
Aimed at encouraging passenger growth and making ticketing simpler for
customers, the report includes the following proposals which would come into
effect from 3 April 2017:-
► All solo ticket types to be valid for use across Merseyside.
► Price changes for all existing and new Solo products.
► Introduction of a new Solo four weekly Young Person's ticket.
Reviewing zonal structures and pricing to simplify the customer ticket offer is
a key objective of the Bus Alliance, a formal agreement between Merseytravel,
Arriva and Stagecoach (who together operate 90% of commercial bus services in
the Liverpool City Region); and aims to get more people travelling by bus which
drives up investment potential to benefit all who use them.
The proposals would result in the removal of 'zones' giving Solo
customers greater freedom to travel across Merseyside as many times as they want
with 1 ticket.
The proposed fares would be up to a third cheaper for people who currently buy
all area tickets, resulting in significant savings for those customers.
Solo ticketing would also become simpler for everyone as customers would not
have to work out which zone they need and it could support greater access to
work and leisure opportunities.
In terms of the proposed price structure, 7 out of 8, 1 area, prices will
increase in line with inflation to a maximum of 0.3% above or below RPI (set at
1.9%) and could be off set by the significant benefits customers will
Usually approved price changes for Solo season tickets are applied annually in
January along with other ticket products. However, in January 2017, it was agreed
to freeze these prices to avoid 2 price increases for Solo products during
Customers have already been benefitting from the prices being maintained at 2016
prices for the 1st 3 months of 2017.
Bus users who buy a 1 Area Adult 4 Weekly Solo will experience a marginal
price increase, but would benefit from being able to travel across the whole of
Merseyside as often as they want within a 4 week period.
The introduction of a new Young Persons 4 Weekly Solo ticket would contribute
towards making travel more accessible for young people and would be a welcome
addition to the ticket offers already available, including the ₤2 My Ticket.
Chief Executive Frank Rogers said:- "These proposals represent a
significant step forward in improving the bus offer and giving customers greater
freedom, at affordable prices across the network.
The current zonal system for Merseytravel tickets dates back to the 1970's and
doesn't represent modern travel patterns. Simplifying fares would make ticketing
buying more straightforward and easy to understand; 1 way of encouraging
people to try the bus.
Not only do we want to make the experience better for those who already use it,
but remove those perceived barriers for those who may otherwise give it a try if
routes were simpler, make fares easier to understand, broaden people's horizons
and support better access to work and leisure opportunities. Following on from
recently introduced services and offers, including being able to load some
Arriva and Stagecoach tickets onto Walrus cards plus the new adult 1 Day Solo
ticket that can be used on any bus, any time, we are continuing to work together
with operators to improve the customer experience."
Next of kin appeal following death of a 98
LIVERPOOL Coroner's Office have told us
that they are appealing for information to find the family of Lucy McClear, aged
98. We are told that she died, at home in Bootle, on Monday, 13 February 2017.
There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death. Anyone who can help
the coroner identify or trace her next of kin should call:- 0151 777 3422 or
email them via:-
Stephen.K.Craig@Merseyside.PNN.Police.UK. |
Give a toss about fire
safety this Pancake Day

TRADITIONALLY Shrove Tuesday marks the
beginning of Lent, when many people throughout the country make pancakes before
they begin a 40 day fast. But amidst all the fun of cooking up sweet treats take
a moment to remember fire safety this Pancake Day.
Accidental fires caused by cooking with oil or frying can be devastating, with a
very high proportion of such fires resulting in injuries.
Gary Oakford, Group Manager at Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, said:-
"Making pancakes can be lots of fun for the whole family and they certainly can
be delicious.
However, over ½ of all accidental fires in the home start in the kitchen so
please take care, especially when cooking with hot oil.
Never leave the pan unattended when the heat is switched on and don't move a pan
if it is on fire. When you have finished cooking, make sure that all the
appliances are turned off and the cooking area is clear.
If a pan does catch light, turn the heat off if it is safe to do so. Never throw
water on it or take any risks. Don't tackle the fire yourself, but rather get
out, stay out and call:- 999."
A working smoke alarm will greatly increase your chances of escaping unharmed.
Have an escape plan and follow it; know exactly which way you will leave your
home and know where you will go.
Don't forget...
► Stay safe, and make sure your smoke alarms work properly.
Test your smoke alarms every month.
► Change the battery every year (unless it's a
10 year alarm).
► Clean it out properly at least twice every
year, by vacuuming the inside.
For further advice on fire safety visit Facebook
Page or contact
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service on:- 0800 731 5958.
Special Constable dismissed from Merseyside
MERSEYSIDE Police confirmed that
Special Constable Myles Doyle has been dismissed from the Force following a
public misconduct hearing that took place on Wednesday, 22 February 2017.
Doyle, 19, was disqualified from driving for 6 months, fined and given 6 points
on his licence after pleading guilty to driving licence and unauthorised taking
of a motor vehicle offences that relate to incidents that took place in June
2016. We are told that they lead to him appearing at Liverpool Magistrates
Court, on 3 January 2017.
Doyle, 19, from Kensington was dismissed with notice following the hearing, held
today in Liverpool, after it was found his behaviour amounted to gross
Deputy Chief Constable Carl Foulkes said:- "All Police Officers and Police
Staff who are convicted of a criminal offence can expect to appear before a
misconduct hearing. Doyle's behaviour fell below the standards expected by
Merseyside Police. As a Special Constable he is subject to the same regulations
as any police constable and it is clear that he is not fit to serve. Merseyside
Police demands the highest standards of professionalism and integrity from all
its police officers and staff. It is what the public expects and deserves if
they are to have trust and confidence in us. When the behaviour and conduct of
individuals within our force fall below those standards they can expect to be
held to account." |