Feel good with summer
festival in Knowsley

A festival that's guaranteed to raise
your spirits will be one of the highlights of the summer in Knowsley.
The Knowsley Feelgood Festival will take place, on Saturday, 6 August 2016, from 1pm
to 5pm,
at Court Hey Park, Huyton with lots of fun ways to make you feel good. Entry is
The event is themed around activities that help improve health and wellbeing,
whether it be physical activity, relaxing and de-stressing or exercising your
mental muscles!
In the beautiful surroundings of the Gladstone Field on Court Hey Park visitors
to the Feelgood Festival will be given a variety of activities to try.
Activities for children include:- den building, baby ballet, sports day games
such as egg and spoon races and an obstacle course and traditional fairground
rides that incorporate cup and saucers and hook a duck.
There'll be activities for older people too, with the organisers of the Knowsley
Older People Olympics, and music from local performers.
Street theatre company Waggle Dance will be out and about around the festival
entertaining the crowds too.

In addition there'll be storytelling sessions
and arts and crafts workshops. Knowsley's Children's Centres will be hosting a
teddy bear's picnic and doing dreamcatcher making with the children; and the
Reader Organisation will be there on the day to encourage people back into the
habit of reading for pleasure. And of course there'll be some delicious food and
drink on sale, including:- plenty of tempting but healthy treats too.
The Knowsley Feelgood Festival is part of Knowsley Council's commitment to
improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the borough. It supports the
Great Outdoors 5 Ways to Wellbeing Programme, which aims to improve people's
awareness and connection to nature for better health and wellbeing. It takes
place the day before the popular Knowsley Flower Show, which attracts thousands
of visitors each year, and completes a great weekend of entertainment in the

Cllr Eddie Connor, Knowsley Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health,
Wellbeing and Customer Services, said:- "Last year was the first Knowsley Feelgood
Festival, which was really well received with some great feedback from those who
came along. With so many activities to join in with, all of which are designed
to help improve your health and wellbeing, it makes for a fantastic day out for
all ages."
Renewable energy outperforms
coal in new official UK electriCity statistics
THE Government's new annual energy
statistics show that renewable energy sources are replacing coal as mainstream
technologies generating power for British homes, offices and factories.
The new figures have confirmed that 25% of the UK's electriCity was generated from renewables
in 2016; an increase of 29% on 2014. 48% of this came from wind
power alone. 1 in 8 units of electriCity generated in the UK came from wind.
In comparison, coal generated 22% of the country's electricity; down from 30% in
RenewableUK's Deputy Chief Executive Maf Smith said:- "The Government took
the right decision when it announced the phasing out of coal. Now we can see
renewable energy filling the gap, replacing old technology with new. 2015 was
the 1st year that renewables outperformed coal.
A quarter of Britain's power is now coming from wind, wave and tidal power and
other renewable energy sources. Renewables are now part of our energy
mainstream, helping us modernise the way we keep the lights on by building new
infrastructure for the generations to come".
The contribution of offshore wind grew by 30% in 2015, while onshore wind grew
by 23%. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, which
published the figures, said this was due to increases in capacity, load factors
and higher wind speeds.
The Government's latest poll on the public's views on energy, the Public
Attitudes Tracking Survey, was also published today. It showed that 76% of
people support renewable energy.
Did you know that 70% of people also said renewable projects
provide economic benefits to the UK? Do you agree? Email us your
views to
News24@SouthportReporter.com. |
CQC rate Royal Liverpool and
Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
FOLLOWING an inspection by the Care Quality Commission,
England's Chief Inspector of Hospitals has rated the Royal Liverpool and
Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust as:- 'Good with Outstanding End of Life
The rating highlights that both the Royal Liverpool Hospital and Broadgreen
University Hospitals are providing services that are safe, caring, effective and
well led.
Inspectors reported that:- "there was a positive culture throughout the
trust. Staff were proud of the work they did and proud of the services they
provided." The CQC recognised that care and treatment was delivered:-
"by caring, committed, and compassionate staff." They highlighted that:-
in all disciplines treated patients and those close to them with dignity and
respect." Particular areas of outstanding practice identified by the CQC include:-
► End of Life Care -
end of life care -
The CQC highlighted its "comprehensive" end of life vision and strategy for
2013 to 2018. It was noted that the Trusts vision was to deliver the highest quality
healthcare driven by world class research for the health and wellbeing of the
population. Inspectors highlighted our well established and well staffed
palliative care directorate which works closely with other organisations to
improve the quality of end of life services in Merseyside. It's new Academic
Palliative Care Unit (APCU), which provides a 12 bedded unit for patients who
are at the end of life, was also praised.
► Emergency Department - Inspectors highlighted our collaborative work with local support groups and
charities to provide services for sections of the population such as homeless
and victims of domestic abuse. The CQC also noted its work and out reach
programme with local schools on the dangers of knife crime.
► Critical Care - Critical care guidance that, once approved, would be adopted across both the
local and national critical care networks (application of the Mental CapaCity Act 2005 and associated deprivation of liberty safeguards in the critical care
► Information Technology - They also found innovative and collaborative working highlighted in the use of
enhanced IT systems which are used to monitor and track the most unwell and
vulnerable patients.
In palliative and end of life care services, the report highlighted numerous
stories that demonstrated the compassion, kindness and thoughtfulness of the
staff delivering care and treatment. Whilst the report highlighted many
positives, it also highlighted some areas where they can improve upon.
Bed occupancy rates trust wide, delayed transfers of care and discharges
continue to have an impact on the management of patient care throughout the
Aidan Kehoe, chief executive of the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
Hospitals said:- "The overwhelmingly positive rating is fantastic news for
the city; I am pleased that the CQC witnessed the high standard of care that I
see from our staff on a daily basis. I would like to thank staff for their
commitment and dedication to ensuring the high standards of care for patients in
Liverpool. The rating is a fitting testament to the vision, hard work,
professionalism and compassion of all our staff and volunteers working across
the Hospital and reflects the long term commitment to delivering high quality
health care. We received outstanding feedback from a number of our
services including; the collaborative working in the emergency department;
quality of care from our end of life services and best practice and innovative
ways of working within critical care. The rating of outstanding for palliative
and end of life care at the Trust is excellent news for the people of Liverpool,
who benefit from the high level of care provided for both patients and families
at the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust. Whilst the
report highlighted many positives it is important to address areas we can
improve. Our bed occupancy rates trust wide, delayed transfers of care and
discharges continue to have an impact on the flow of patients throughout the
hospital; this is something we are working closely with health and social care
colleagues to improve, ahead of our move to the new Royal."
The full CQC report of the inspection can be found
Examples of the great care from our staff can be viewed on
YouTube. Top gardeners return for
2016 show

THE organisers of the Southport Flower Show have announced
that household gardening names Christine Walkden and Joe Swift will be returning
for the 2016 show. Christine is the resident gardening expert on the BBC
One Show and Joe Swift is a regular presenter on Gardeners' World. Ray Roukin,
general manager of Southport Flower Show said:- "We are really pleased to
be welcoming Joe and Christine back to the show next year. They were a real hit
with our visitors during the 2015 show and they are true experts in the field of
Southport Flower Show is the biggest independent flower show in the country
attracting more than 50,000 visitors a year. The 2016 show will have a
Mediterranean theme and the entertainment, food and show gardens will all
feature elements of what is the very best in Mediterranean design, cuisine and
culture. Ray Roukin added:- "We have a packed programme of events with
some great spectacles, entertainment and experiences for the 2016 show, all with
a Mediterranean theme. Added to which we'll have everything visitors to the show
expect, including celebrity chef demonstrations, gourmet food stalls, live
music, stunning show gardens and one of the biggest outdoor shopping experiences
in the North West."
The 4 day event starts on Thursday, 18 August and runs until Sunday, 21 August
2016, with thousands of visitors expected to attend. For more information
and to book tickets visit:-
SouthportFlowerShow.Co.UK. |