Young people 'Get Real'
for success
2 care leavers from Wirral have been
offered full time positions at Hoylake's Holiday Inn Express, following a
council initiative to support care leavers into employment, education and
The 'Get Real' programme is the only scheme of its kind in the country. Taking
place over 18 weeks, the 4 stage course focuses on personal development and
employability skills. 'Get Real' includes a 3 day residential at Brathay Hall, in Ambleside, Cumbria,
which includes a number of outdoor activities designed to build confidence and
encourage team working; such as:- kayaking, night orienteering, and high rope
The programme also offers a 6 week internship which places participants with a
local employer, designed to give them the employability skills needed to help
them progress into employment and training.
Faye and Becca began their internships working on the front desk at Hoylake's
Holiday Inn Express, also gaining experience at its Marco Pierre White New York
Italian restaurant. During their internships they were involved in all aspects
of hospitality including customer service, organising accommodation, and
arranging events at the Hotel.
Faye said:- "Before I started the course I wasn't doing much at all other
than staying in bed but I thought this would give me an opportunity to change my
life. There have been lots of challenges on the internship, like getting out of
bed at 5am as well as learning new roles and complicated systems and procedures.
I'm looking forward to travelling with my new skills I've learnt within the
hospitality industry."
Becca added:- "Previously I was doing childcare but without my Level 2 in
maths I couldn't continue and didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. I thought
it would be good to do the Get Real course because it would boost my confidence
and give me the opportunity to improve my career prospects. I have really
enjoyed meeting new friends and learning new things. In the future I would
really like to be the manager of a restaurant one day."
Gareth Jones, Apprenticeship and Skills Manger for the 14-19 service at Wirral
Council says:- "I am really pleased and wish to congratulate both Becca
and Faye who have worked so hard to complete the Get Real Programme and have
really progressed; they are an absolute credit to themselves. I'd also like to
thank John and the staff at the Holiday Inn Express who have been exceptional in
the support and opportunities they have offered young people. "
Cllr Tony Smith, Wirral's Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services,
said:- "It's brilliant to see how the Get Real programme has helped to
support local care leavers with real, life changing results. Faye and Becca
deserve their success, and the Council's 14 to 19 service and Holiday Inn
Express should be praised for their valuable support."
Based in Kings Gap Hoylake, Holiday Inn Express has offered opportunities to
many young people through work experience, traineeships and apprenticeships in a
range of roles within the hotel. |
River Pilots to receive
Freedom of Liverpool
THE Liverpool Pilotage Service, which
has navigated ships in and out of the River Mersey for 250 year, has been
awarded the Freedom of Liverpool.
The organisation has been guiding vessels in and out of the river to the locks,
docks and jetties since 1766.
The service was introduced by Act of Parliament to improve safety on the Mersey
following the loss of 18 ships and 75 lives in just 1 year (1764).
It has seen many changes to the facilities on the river over the years, ranging
from the original Old Dock to the brand new Liverpool 2 container berth built to
handle the biggest vessels in the world.
Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Roz Gladden said:- "The Liverpool Pilotage Service is very much at the heart of Liverpool's history, ensuring the
safety of ships of all nations arriving and departing the Port.
This honour recognises the vital role it plays and the invaluable work
supporting trade and industry which is vital to the City region's economic
success. Without them, we would not be able to welcome cruise liners to the City
or have hosted the hugely successful Three Queens event last year. I am
delighted to be able to confer on them the Freedom of Liverpool in tribute to
their contribution to the maritime industry over the last 250 years."
The Freedom of Liverpool was conferred to them, at a special thanksgiving
service, at Liverpool Parish Church, on Thursday, 28 July 2016, led by the Rector of
Liverpool, the Reverend Dr Crispin Pailing.
Captain Chris Booker, Chairman of Liverpool Pilotage Services, said:- "To
be a Mersey River Pilot is a very real privilege.
From small sailing vessels to mighty container ships, bulk carriers to huge
cruise liners, Liverpool Pilots have met the challenges of the tide and the wind
on a daily basis for 250 years.
It is easy to forget that over the first two centuries a considerable number of
pilots lost their lives in the course of their duties due to the hazardous
nature of a seafarer's life.
Today's pilots have a sophisticated electronic simulator to hone their skills,
but they still have the knowledge and skill to allow them to bring ships safely
in and out of the River Mersey whatever the weather conditions may throw at
In its 250 year history there have been some 1,600 River Pilots, and today the
service is provided by 55 self employed River Pilots.
For more information about the Liverpool Pilotage Service, visit:-
Go wild this summer at RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands
THROUGHOUT August 2016, families can
take part in 'What's that wader?' on a self led trail to discover
more about the wonderful variety of wading birds that can be found on the Dee
Estuary. Normal admission charges apply to non-members, no additional charge for
the event. Available 9.30am to 4.30pm daily. On any day Explorer Backpacks are
available to hire, full of everything needed to discover more about the
creatures that call Burton Mere Wetlands home. No booking required, cost £2.50.
To end the month, the 'Wild Wednesday' event, on Wednesday, 31
August 2016, will give families the chance to get up close and personal with the
tiny creatures living in the mud. From shrimps, to worms, to beetles, they
provide a feast for the various wading birds that make their home on the
reserve. For more details visit:-
RSPD.Org.UK or phone the visitor reception on:- 0151 353 8478. If
you do not know who to get to the venue, type: RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands in to
Google, or put Puddington Lane, Burton, Cheshire, CH64 5SF, on your Stat-Nav. |