Appeal for information after
firearms incident in Bootle
Detectives are appealing for information following a an incident in Bootle, that
left a 18 year old with minor injuries consistent with a firearms discharge.
We are told by Police that:- "The man had been walking along a canal bank,
close to Cooksons Bridge, near Swifts Lane, at about 10pm, on Sunday, 27 March
2016, when he was assaulted by 2 males, dressed in dark clothing." We are told
that they are said to have knocked him to the floor. When he got up and
started to run off, the victim heard a loud bang and felt a pain in his leg.
Merseyside Police added that:- "When he arrived home he discovered he had minor
injuries consistent with a firearms discharge, but only presented himself at
Hospital, on Monday, 28 March 2015."
Police have said that the motive for the assault is not clear at this stage and
CCTV and forensic opportunities are being explored in and around the local area,
that the incident took place in. Detectives are now appealing for anyone
who was in the vicinity of Swifts Lane or saw anyone running away from the area
following the incident to come forward. If you have any information, call MSOC
Gun crime hotline on:- 0800 230 0600 or the confidential Crimestoppers line on:-
0800 555 111.
Fraud warning following door
step selling of mobility scooter in Southport area
MERSEYSIDE Police have issued an appeal
after a 98 year old woman was victim of an alleged fraud, in Southport, and they
have also told the public to be extra vigilant! We can report that a 45 year man
has been arrested on suspicion of 'Fraud by False Representation' in relation to
this alleged offence.
This incident is reported to have taken place at around 5.15pm, on Tuesday, 29
March 2016. Merseyside Police have told us that the victim is reported to have
been at home, in Alexandra Road, when a man is believed to have attended the
address, claiming to be acting on behalf of a mobility scooter company. He is
said to have stated that the company was recalling her scooter and is said to
have then taken it. It's alleged that the man left a courtesy scooter in its
place, which he is then alleged to have attempted to sell to the victim!
D/C Darrell Rotherham from Sefton CID said:- "This was a despicable
attempt to defraud an elderly lady. Offenders like this deliberately target the
most vulnerable in our community in their own homes, a place where they have a
right to feel safe and secure. I would also appeal to people to keep an eye on
any elderly and vulnerable neighbours and family members. If you notice anyone
suspicious in the area, always call the Police or contact your Local
Neighbourhood Policing Team for more advice."
There are a number of steps everyone can take to help prevent this type of crime
and they include:-
► Do not open your door if you are unsure who the
caller is. Always make sure you know who visitors are by asking to see their
► Never let people into your property if you don't know them.
► Always keep the key chain on the door whilst talking to callers and always
check their ID before letting them into your home. Genuine callers won't mind
you doing this. If callers haven't got valid identification, don't let them in.
► Bogus callers often pretend to be someone official, for example, from a
utility company or the water board. They will also try to distract people by
asking for a drink of water or if they can use the toilet. Remember "if in
doubt, keep them out."
► Remember to close and lock the back door before you answer the front door.
It's a good idea to have a viewer or spy hole and a stout chain fitted to all
the external doors to the property.
► Don't keep large quantities of cash at home. It's better in the bank where
it's safe.
► If someone asks for your help (for example, if they want to make a telephone
call or claim to have lost a ball in your garden) always ask a friend or
neighbour, or someone else you trust, for help.
Anyone with information on this or any similar offences are being asked to
contact Sefton CID on:- (0151) 7773059 on the non emergency:- 101 number or
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. If you feel in danger and a
suspected bogus caller has just been, call Merseyside Police on:- 999. |
The Big Band With Five Star
Swing Visit St George's Hall

AS part of their national Poppy Appeal
tour starting at London's Leicester Square Theatre,
Star Swing are returning to Liverpool's St. Georges Hall, on Sunday, 10 April,
with The Big Band.
The evening starts at 7:30pm in the The Concert Room, St George's Hall,
Liverpool. Tickets available in person from TicketQuarter, Queen Square,
Liverpool, Merseyside L1 1RG. Alternatively, you can call:- 0844 800 0410 or
The night will over all those who attend a fantastic mix of vintage swing,
featuring classic songs from Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Glenn Miller and
many more, all performed by the famous Five Star Swing multi instrumentalists
and singers.

Five Star Swing are recognised as 1 of the
most versatile and accomplished Jazz and Swing bands in the UK. They perform for
dancing, listening or for major theatre productions.
As seen on BBC TV Children in Need, and Dame Vera Lynn's Charity Ball, the show
is led by bandleader Chris Smith Jr, composer and arranger for the BBC Radio Big
Band and a former composer for Herb Miller Big Band (Glenn Miller's brother).
Along with Tony Bennett's trombonists, also featured is vocalist and saxophonist
Simone, who was taught to play alto saxophone in the 1970's by the famous
bandleader Ivy Benson, whom she subsequently performed with. Simone has recorded
with Paul Weller, the Paul Merton TV Show and the Russell Harty show.
The band's local Sax player, Justin Swadling says:- "Fans have enjoyed
this 'feel good' style of music for generations - following our extensive UK
tour I'm excited to be bringing the sound of our big band brass, saxes, rhythm
and vocalists back home to Liverpool!"
ATM Cash Points - warnings
OVER the last few days, Cheshire and
Greater Manchester Police have issued warnings to avoid Santander machines after
a number have been reported to have been tampered with. Police are advising
everyone in the North West to be extra vigilant and look out for signs of
tampering. The force tweeted over the weekend that:- "Cheshire Police have
received reports of issues with Santander ATM's in Wilmslow. Please do not use
the machines and call your bank and 101." This is not just related to
Santander or that area, so keep an eye out!