8 year old to hold:- 'Tennis-A-Thon Charity Event'

GABRIEL (Gabe) who is 8 years old has
registered to do a charity event Tennis-A-Thon, on Saturday, 7 May in David
Lloyds Leisure Centre, Knowsley. The charity he has chosen is:- 'Save the
Children'. He has decided he would like to raise as much as he can to help
less fortunate children. He decided he can play tennis for a number of hours
against various people in a marathon type of tennis session, stopping for toilet
and water breaks only. 1 evening when in bed, on a cold and windy night, Gabe shouted me and said he
was worried about the children who had no homes, he had seen a news programme
and this had deeply upset him. He decided he would like to help as much as he
could. Gabe plays tennis several times a week and loves the sport, he has
realised he can help children by doing this event. Here is the link for
the Virgin Money Giving
Success for maternity ball

MIDWIVES at Ormskirk hospital raised
more than £6,000 with a hugely successful grand charity ball. The event, that
was held at Up
Holland's Lancashire Manor Hotel, saw all proceeds going to Southport and
Ormskirk Maternity Bereavement Fund.
Funds raised will help redecorate the bereavement suite at Ormskirk hospital and
develop a memorial garden.
Midwife Stephanie Atherton said:- "The evening was an amazing success. We
had 125 guests who had a fantastic time and raised funds for a very important
cause. We'd like to thank everyone who attended for their superb support.
It is 1 of the most heartbreaking things for parents to lose a baby. We wanted
to stage an event to help raise funds to improve our maternity bereavement suite
for families who have suffered such a loss."
Southport and Ormskirk NHS Hospital Trust interim chief executive Ann Marr
opened the evening which featured a champagne reception, three course meal and
amazing auction prizes.
The midwives have planned more fundraising events this spring and summer and are
set to stage another maternity charity ball in September 2017.
Merseyside Police are urging
public to:- 'Give up the Gun' as part of a firearm or ammunition
MERSEYSIDE Police have joined up with
other Police Forces from across the North West in appealing for people to:-
'Give up the Gun,' with a 2 week surrender of firearms and ammunition,
that stated at 7am, on Monday, 4 April 2016. The surrender will run until to
11.59pm, on Monday, 18 April 2016.
It's been almost 2 years since the last firearms surrender, where Forces ask
members of the public to surrender unlawfully held or unwanted guns and
ammunition, to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands.
Many firearms are held in innocence and ignorance of their illegality or are
overlooked and forgotten in people's homes.
Others are acquired and distributed by criminal networks to harm, threaten and
intimidate their local communities.
The surrender gives the chance to dispose of the firearm or ammunition with no
questions asked, by simply taking it to a Local Police Station and handing it
in; before a Police Operation to retrieve them takes place.
Surrendering unwanted, unlicensed weapons avoids the risk of them becoming
involved in criminality and means that members of the community can dispose of
firearms in a safe place.
During that period, those surrendering firearms will not face prosecution for
the illegal possession and can remain anonymous.
During the last surrender on Merseyside, in 2014, a total of 126 weapons
including 25 shotguns, 5 rifles and 11 handguns were handed in together with a
large quantity of ammunition.
The fight against firearms is stronger than ever, thanks to round the clock
disruption from police across the North West and Merseyside Police are working
together with partners to safeguard, educate and intervene at the earliest
Through collaboration with partner agencies and the general public, we use
various intelligence led methods to locate weapons that have fallen into the
wrong hands, but we need the public's help. We want as many weapons as possible
and would encourage people to hand them in.
1 weapon off the streets is one less that can be used to harm or threaten our
communities. We will use all of the powers and information available to us to
locate this criminality and put a stop to it for good.
Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Holland said:- "The firearms surrender
will run in tandem with our on-going proactive approach to taking firearms off
the streets. In recent years there have been some changes in legislation in
relation to antique firearms and some people may also have replica and
decommissioned firearms in their homes because they have inherited them, or have
a genuine interest in collecting military weapons and paraphernalia. These
weapons could be targeted by those involved in serious and organised crime who
may see the opportunities of converting and using them in criminality. So if you
do own any weapons like this, think long and hard about the potential
consequences. In the wrong hands, these guns can be reactivated and used to
cause fear and intimidation, or even worse could be used to seriously injure, or
kill, someone. Every gun surrendered is one less that can be used by criminals
to commit serious offences."
Weapons and ammunition can be surrendered at the following Police Stations:-
Birkenhead, Marsh Lane, Huyton, St Helens, St Anne Street and Admiral Street.
ACC Holland added:- "I've seen 1st hand the destruction that guns have
caused to families and communities in our area. Every weapon removed from the
streets potentially represents a life saved, or indeed many lives saved. So take
this opportunity to do the right thing and get rid of that deadly weapon. This
surrender will help us realise our goal of having streets that are safe and free
from guns."
If you know of people involved in illegal firearms call the MSOC gun crime
hotline on:- 0800 230 0600 or the confidential Crimestoppers line on:- 0800 555
111. Merseyside Police will act on all information provided in relation to gun
Crimestoppers is offering a reward up to £1000 for information that leads to the
recovery of a firearm and an arrest and conviction. |