St Luke's Church,
Formby's Crib Service 2015

ON Christmas Eve 2015, at St Luke's
Church, Formby, children, many dressed to reflect the nativity scenes,
enjoyed helping the celebration of the Christmas message, by placing figures
in the Christmas Crib. This simple service, skilfully delivered, reminded
the congregation ,of both young and old, of the far reaching implications of
that first Christmas, and made a fitting start to the holiday weekend; a
scene repeated in other Churches throughout the land, and a welcome break
from frantic last minute shopping.

Santa Cam 2015
THIS year's
Cam ran over Christmas Eve as normal
and was very well supported. This year we again linked in with along with a few other
groups. Interestingly it was NORAD's 60th year tracking Santa and they did
an amazing job. They tipped us off as to when he was flying over. Despite
the weather we managed to get a photo of the man himself, well his arm and
hat, as he could not stop for long. He did wave again later on in the night,
but in the UK, most young eyes had gone to bed, but weather though-out the
world has played havoc to his schedule this year. We also got a few pictures
of what was his sleigh passing... Sadly it just looked a blur as you can
see... We will try again next year, so keep your eyes out on our site in
December 2016 for updates! These are 3 photos taken on the night, on our
Festive Singers have raised thousands for
New Royal Hospital
FUNDRAISERS have raised a massive
£11,317 for the R Charity Appeal for the New Royal Hospital with a packed
Christmas carol concert in Liverpool Cathedral. Mezzo soprano Kathryn Rudge,
whose father George was a patient at the Royal and sadly lost his long
battle with blood cancer just before last year's concert, thrilled the
audience with some well loved songs. "A great concert for a very
special cause." said Kathryn. The Celebrate a Liverpool Life
concert at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, on Friday, 4 December 2015, was
hosted by Roger Phillips, and featured the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic
Choir and St Mary's Preparatory School Show Choir. It raised funds for R
Charity's £10 million appeal for the new Royal Liverpool University
Hospital. Now the fundraising team aims to nudge the total even higher
with a packed calendar of activities for 2016, starting with a
New Year's Day Dip in the Irish Sea. To
find out more about what's coming up and how you can take part, contact the
fundraising team via
email or dialling:- 0151 706 3150.
BHF shops urge people to donate their
unwanted Christmas gifts
NEW research by the British Heart
Foundation (BHF) has revealed the gifts that people of the North West are
hoping not to find under their tree this year. This comes as the BHF
launches their annual unwanted Christmas gifts campaign, encouraging people
to donate their unwanted Christmas gifts to their local BHF shop to fund
life saving research. The survey of 2,000 British adults revealed nearly a ⅓
of people in the North West (32%) wouldn't want to unwrap a Selfie Stick
this Christmas, followed by the Insanity workout DVD (16%) and the onesie
(8%). The average person receives at least 1 Christmas gift they don't want
each year according to the survey, and even TV stars are not exempt from
finding unwanted gifts under their tree. Oliver Proudlock, star of Made in
Chelsea, said:- "Last year I received some lovely gifts but 3 copies
of The Hunger Games book was a bit much! Rather than letting unwanted gifts
clutter up the house this year and feeling guilty for letting them go to
waste, I'll be donating to my local British Heart Foundation shop to raise
funds for their life saving research." With over a ⅓ (36%) of people
in the North West saying they feel guilty about getting a present they don't
want or won't use, BHF shops are urging the British public to turn this
guilt into good by donating their unwanted Christmas gifts. With nearly 750
BHF shops across the UK, donating could not be easier. Mike Taylor,
Retail Director at BHF, said:- "It's really interesting to see the
items that people aren't looking forward to receiving this Christmas, but 1
person's unwanted gift is another person's perfect present. Whilst a Selfie
Stick may not be on the top of some people's lists, there will be others who
can't wait to get their hands on one! We are encouraging people to donate
their unwanted Christmas gifts to BHF shops this Christmas to help our fight
against coronary heart disease, the UK's single biggest killer. Every item
helps." For more information on BHF shops; to locate your nearest
shop or to book a free collection visit:-
or call them on:- 0844 412 5000. |