Brake calls for
reintroduction of casualty reduction targets
BRAKE, the road safety charity, is
calling on the government to show strong leadership and reintroduce
causality reduction targets as the Department for Transport publishes its
Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain Annual Report for 2014. It shows
that 1,775 people died on the roads (a 4% increase on the year before).
22,807 more were seriously injured (a 5% annual increase).
Casualties of all severities rose to 194,477 in Great Britain in 2014, an
increase of 6% from 2013, interrupting what was a steady downward trend
since 1997.
Brake believes the reintroduction of ambitious casualty reduction targets,
axed in 2010, must be a key first step in an urgently needed fightback
against road danger, alongside a 'vision zero' approach that acknowledges
that any number of road deaths is unacceptable.
People on foot and bike bore the brunt of the rise:-
► Pedestrian deaths rose by 12% to 446, accounting for
¾ of the
overall rise in fatalities.
Serious injuries to cyclists rose by 8% to
3,401, continuing a long term trend that has been ongoing since 2004.
Worryingly, traffic levels in 2014 were
2.4% higher than in 2013. Air pollution is estimated to cause 24,000 deaths
a year in the UK, ½ attributable to road transport.
The number of cars is
set to increase by 43% by 2035 and traffic delays by 50%.
Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive, Brake, said:- "We should be
under no illusions as to the seriousness of these figures. The government
needs to get a grip of this situation, and it can start by reintroducing
ambitious casualty reduction targets, with an ultimate aim of reducing
deaths and serious injuries on our roads to zero. We know from running our
helpline for devastated road crash victims that every road death causes
unimaginable human suffering, and every one is preventable. The increases in
serious casualties among pedestrians and cyclists are especially horrifying,
given the importance of protecting vulnerable road users and enabling people
to walk and cycle more.
At a time when car manufacturers have serious questions to answer on vehicle
emissions, it is worrying to see a growth in vehicle traffic. The price for
this is being paid by individuals, families and the planet, and it's not a
price worth paying. That's why our theme for this year's Road Safety Week,
Drive less, live more, is focused on encouraging people to think again about
why, when and how we drive private vehicles."
75% of children in the
North West aren't doing nearly enough physical activity
NEW research into child activity
rates reveals parents in the North West are unaware of how much activity
their child should be doing to stay healthy.
Over three quarters of school children in the North West are not doing
enough physical activity, according to a new study. The new research into
child activity rates in found that 76% of children are doing no more than 4
hours of out of school exercise each week.
The survey of over 2,000 parents, funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF),
Diabetes UK and Tesco, also revealed that very few parents in the North West
know how much activity their children should be doing, with 85% admitting
that they don't know what the recommended guidelines are. 73% of parents
underestimate the amount of exercise their child needs, believing they only
need around 30 minutes a day. According to Public Health England:- "all children and young people
{aged 5 to 18} should engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical
activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours every day."
21% of parents say their child does no
more than an hour a week, with 10% saying they do none at all, putting them
at increased risk of being overweight and developing serious long term
health conditions in the future, such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Parents stated cost (33%) to be the biggest barrier to their children doing
more exercise outside of school. Parents also highlight that they would most
like to take children to gymnastics, horse riding and to martial arts if
they could afford to.
31% of parents believe the responsibility to ensure children get enough
exercise lies with their children's school. The 2002 Education Act states
that the Secretary of State is barred from ordering any school to devote a
certain period of time to any particular subject, including physical
Catherine Kelly, Director of Prevention, Survival and Support at the British
Heart Foundation, explains:- "Being inactive can lead to a multitude
of health problems for children, including an increased risk of developing
Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in later life. The benefits of
physical activity outside of the classroom and within the community are
vast, and as well as benefitting their heart health, it's fun too!
That's why we are working with Diabetes UK and Tesco to deliver projects in
areas most at need across the UK, helping communities to get active, lower
their risk of developing these conditions and ultimately benefit the health
of children in the future."
Jenna Hall, Programme Director for the National Charity Partnership,
explains:- "East London is the first of 15 areas where the Partnership
will be running mass participation community projects and will encourage at
least 200,000 people to get active in its first year. These projects will be
run in areas that have a high prevalence of Type 2 diabetes, high mortality
rates from cardiovascular disease, high levels of obesity and low levels of
activity rates."
The National Charity Partnership between Diabetes UK, BHF and Tesco was
announced earlier this year. Its aim is to help save lives, by helping
millions of people to eat better and get active, reducing their risk of
serious ill-health in the future. This will help reduce people's risk of
cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, both of which are largely
preventable through healthy lifestyle choices. Through the money raised by
Tesco colleagues and customers, the partnership will deliver a variety of
preventative and informative initiatives.
For more information about the National Charity Partnership visit:-TescoCharityPartnership.Org.UK.
Lessons for Lille from
Liverpool A dedication
from the French City of Lille, who are on a fact finding mission to
Liverpool, on Monday, 28 September 2015, to examine innovative methods to
bring empty properties back into use. The elected Mayor of Roubaix,
Guillaume Delbar, and a team of officers from the La Fabrique des Quartiers
regeneration project will be looking at a number of different projects
during a whistle stop tour. It will include Granby Four Streets, where a
number of separate schemes involving partners such as the City Council,
housing associations and a Community Land Trust are working to transform
around 150 properties to create a thriving community. One project run by the
Community Land Trust has been nominated for the Turner Prize, while Cairns
Street has been nominated for Street of the Year in the Academy of Urbanism
awards. They will also look at the City's pilot Homes for a Pound scheme, in
which around 20 properties which have lain derelict have been handed over to
people for £1 on condition they bring them up to decent homes standard and
live there for at least 5 years. They will be shown plans for an expanded
scheme involving 150 houses off Smithdown Road in Picton. Cabinet
member for housing, Councillor Frank Hont, said:- "Reversing decades
of decay is a real challenge, but in areas such as the Four Streets, by
working with partners and listening to the local community, we are starting
to make a real difference. We have already either brought back into use, or
are in the process of bringing back into use, around 4,000 homes. We have
attracted a lot of national and international attention with our work to
tackle the blight of empty homes in Liverpool, and we are pleased to host
the delegation from Lille and show them the success we are having." |
The Atkinson's Annual
Children's Festival Returns October ½ Term
OVER Saturday, 24 October to Saturday, 31 October 2015, aka
½ term, sees the return of The
Atkinson's 'Annual Children's Festival' and this year it is bigger than ever, with
events and activities with authors, poets, monsters, bears and bubbles for all
This year the venue is working with Southport BID to celebrate Halloween and the
Southport Children's Comedy Festival to bring you and your family lots of spooky
funny fun!
We literally kick off the festival events with:- 'ComedySportz,' on Saturday, 24
October 2015, at 4.30pm. This all ages, all improvised show were 2 teams battle it
out for laughs as players create quick witted sketches, scenes and songs from
whatever suggestions are thrown at them by the audience. It's a show that's
fast, chargel good and always unpredictably funny. There's a referee on hand to
steer the entertainment, call any fouls and help the audience decide the winner.
The show can't start without you! Tickets: £8 (£6 children / £24 family) plus
booking charge.*
'Bear and the Butterfly' on Monday, 26 October 2015, at 2.30pm,
will be Theatre Hullabaloo
and Theatre by the Lake. Bear and Butterfly become best friends, but 1 day
Caterpillar stops munching and looks sick. But if by magic, Caterpillar grows
and stretches and from the leaves emerges a beautiful butterfly. Can Bear come
to terms with this new version of his friend who flies high above the trees and
has stories of his own?
Puppetry, live music and beautiful storytelling combine in this charming tale
about love, loss and friendship, for ages 4+ and their families. Tickets:- £8 (£6
children / £24 family) plus booking charge.*
We are delighted to bring Louis Pearl, the:- 'Amazing Bubble Man' to The Atkinson on
Wednesday, 28 October 2015, for 2 performances at 11.30am and 2.30pm, as he embarks on
a tour of the UK with his unique show that has been delighting audiences of all
ages around the world for 30 years.
The world's leading 'Bubbleologist' has been delighting family audiences
around the world with the art, magic, science and fun of bubble since 1983. He
explores the breathtaking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry
with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep
everyone mesmerized. Tickets:- £8 (£6 children / £24 family) plus booking charge.*
Get your wands at the ready as we show Cinderella (U) on Tuesday, 27 October
2015, at
2.30pm. This live action feature film inspired by the classic fairy tale,
Cinderella brings to life the timeless images from Disney's 1950 animated
masterpiece. Tickets:- £3 plus booking charge.*
On Thursday, 29 October 2015, at 11am, 'Living Story Music Ensemble' brings:-
'I Have A Duck
Who Can Roar!' A quirky story about the world's strangest duck, wonderful
illustrations by Ann Gilligan and a jaunty musical score performed by an amazing
ensemble. Expect some very silly activities, super storytelling and
improvisations that will entertain all ages. Tickets:- £8 (£6 children / £24
family) plus booking charge.*
Join Ballet Theatre UK in their beautiful re-telling of Hans Christian
Andersen's classic fairytale ballet:- 'The Snow Queen.' This will
take place on Thursday, 29 October 2015, at
6pm. This spectacular production follows the story of Gerda and her quest to
find her friend Kay, whom the Snow Queen has placed under an evil spell!
Tickets:- £15 / £12 under 16's / £45 family plus booking charge.*
Blunderbus Theatre Company invite you to a Halloween treat with:- 'My Pet Monster
and Me', on Saturday, 31 October 2015, at 2.30pm. 1 day, Sophie finds an egg. She keeps
it warm, and out pops a cuddly, toothy, burpy, baby MONSTER! And this is when
the fun begins.
Join us down on the farm for adventures with Sophie and her new friend George,
the most lovable monster in the land! This big hearted fairy tale is especially
for little monsters aged 3 to 7, and their grown ups. Told with magical songs,
enchanting music and exquisite puppetry. Tickets: £8 (£6 children / £24 family)
plus booking charge.*
Join us for hours of creative fun that the whole family will enjoy, from
workshops and creation trails; there's so much to do!
On Saturday, 24 October 2015, from 10:30am to 12:30pm, we invite you to a morning of
creative funny fun with:- 'Spooky Creation Trail' with the Creation Station and the Playtown team and
'Spooky Cartoon Workshop' with Southport cartoonist Paul
'The Spooky Creation Trail' is happening in different places around The Atkinson
and gives you and your family the chance to take part in free arts and craft
activities and ghoulish face painting. While the 'Spooky Cartoon Workshop'
is in
The Art Box. Both events are part of 'The Southport Children's Comedy Festival'.
Suitable for children and adults of all ages and both FREE!
Why not stay for a special Halloween themed afternoon tea for all the family in
the Bakery throughout the festival. We will be serving monstrous muffins, spooky
sandwiches, creepy cupcakes, gingerbread ghosts and lots more. Plus we have our
new children's menu available from October ½ Term with lots of tasty treats!
Kidsfest is kindly sponsored by
Come along to our Halloween Spooky Bunting Workshop, on Saturday, 24 October
2015, from
1:30pm to 3:00pm in the galleries. This is a chance to make Spooky Bunting that
will send shivers up your spine with an artist on hand to help! Tickets:- £4.50
per child / £3.50 for sibling / £3 extra adult (1 adult per child goes free)
plus booking charge* Suitable for Ages 5 to 14. Materials provided.
It's not just for the little ones… The Atkinson is also home to the Southport
Children's Comedy Festival Young Persons Stand Up Comedy Workshop on Sunday, 25
October 2015, 1pm to 3pm. Come and learn the ropes from a professional comic in this
fun and friendly workshop. FREE (limited capacity) for ages 10
to 16. Please
SouthportComedyFestival.Com to book your free place.
The Atkinson's Children's Library is welcoming the award winning author Cathy
Cassidy for a book talk and signing on Monday, 26 October 2015, at 4.30pm. You will
hear about all her new books this year… and find out what's coming next! Books
will also be on sale for signing. FREE (limited capacity) for ages 8+.
Then on Friday, 30 October 2015, at 11am, we support local author Donna Gowland as she
launches her children's poetry book Goats Don't Wear Capes the 1st in her
picture book trilogy, The Couture Collection. Join us for a fun filled afternoon
in which we shall design our own outfits for animals, play dressing up and
finish with a reading of her hilarious poem.
The popular Story and Rhyme Time sessions is
FREE for ages 3 to 6 and will get a
Halloween makeover with Spooky Tales, on Tuesday, 27 October 2015, Wednesday, 28 October
2015 and Thursday, 29 October 2015, 10.30am. There will be stories,
rhymes, singing, instruments and colouring in. FREE for all ages
Don't forget to visit the Atkinson's 'Discover Ancient Egypt Gallery' and take part in the
interactive family displays. Plus take a look at the new exhibitions 'ELEMENTAL'
by Antony Gormley, Ghosts of a Restless Shore Modern History Vol.II and Rediscoveries are
all on display.
For more information about Kidsfest or to book any of the events and activities,
please visit:-
TheAtkinson.Co.UK or call the Box Office on:- 01704 533333. Tickets
can also be booked over the counter during The Atkinson opening hours.
Please be advised that there is booking charge of £1 per ticket online and phone
and 50p
over the counter.