LIMF grills the legendary
song writer and producer Lamont Dozier
Photographs and report by Patrick

A unique event was held at The Epstein
Theatre, in Liverpool City Centre, on Thursday, 27 August 2015. Taking to the
stage was no other than the legendary Lamont Herbert Dozier. This evening
promised to be as fascinating as it was unusual... We all know that Lamont was
able to get talented artists to perform at their very best, in very unusual
ways, but how did he do it? Thanks to Liverpool International Music Festival (LIMF),
Levine and broadcaster Richard
Allinson, were both able to give us a
glimpse of what is behind this musical genius mind. They used the format of
their acclaimed and award winning BBC radio series:- 'The Record
Producers,' along with a very unique use of modern equipment, that
you would normally find in a class rooms. Thanks to a mix of recorded interviews
with the stars that had worked with Lamont, a video projector and a computer
running a simple audio editing program, the 2 presenters were able to quiz him
to reveal the hidden aspects of some of his best known hits...

Using the computer they were able to both
visually and in audio form, reveal the hidden tricks of the trade. Though
analytical analysis and discussion of rare archive and original session tracks
of some of 'Holland Dozier Hollands' classic recordings, including
Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye, a hidden world was revealed to us all. From funny
stories, through to discovering some of the sounds you would never realise were
on the tracks, from police car sirens going past the studio to hand written
notes being shuffled. Even the remarkable use of broken instruments, like an old
tambourine, to deliver sounds that were unparalleled at the time, making the
music just as remarkable as they were when first made... The more you heard, the
more respect you developed for Lamont, who set the standards in terms of
recording production styles and techniques which are still used today, so that
you wanted to know much more. It’s no wonder why
he is hugely and directly influencing the
world of music today right across the board. We truly did spend an evening in
the company of genuinely original soul royalty. This was a wonderful evening
that we hope will be the start of many more like it for LIMF. After taking
questions from the audience about his song writing and production career, all 3
received a standing ovation from the audience, something you don’t get in an
average lecture room, but this was an educational experience as well was
entertaining occurrence. Don’t miss out if the do it again next year! If you attended, please let us know your thoughts about the
event via emailing us to:-

Cosplay Event at Fox and
Goose, Southport. Are you going?

THIS is a quick reminder about the
Southport Cosplay Community Event, that is to be held at the Fox and Goose, 8
Cable Street, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0DF, from 8:30pm to 3am. The
event is in open to anyone aged 18 and above, but proof of age is required.
No functional or realistic weapons are allowed at the event. On offer will
be 2 amazing bands playing for your entertainment, Red Eyed
Jedi and the So Green
Band. Entry price for the event is
just £1 if you come in costume and just £2 if not in costume, paid on the door!
As many people who do Cosplay, for example the
Facebook Group, Cosplay North
West will tell you:- "Cosplay is not
a contest of who can be the 'best' of a certain character. There's no Cosplay
Police, so just do you and enjoy. It is all about having fun..."
Developing costumes might seem like just adults having fun, but it is in fact a
major way people get into film and TV production, also it helps with peoples
socialising skills and problem solving abilities. No only that, but it can make
you money, should you make a fantastic costume...
If attending or thinking of attending, please let others know
on Facebook, via visiting the event
Witness appeal after assault
leaves young man in a critical condition

MERSEYSIDE Detectives investigating an
incident in Mathew Street, Liverpool, on Sunday, 22 August 2015, left a young
man in a critical condition have issued CCTV of several potential key witnesses.
Officers want to speak to the 4 women and 2 men who were either customers at the
Quarry Quarter or passing by at the time the 24 year old victim was found lying
on the pavement outside the bar with a serious head injury. 2 men aged 54 and 26
have been arrested on suspicion of assault and questioned about the incident.
They have since been released on Police Bail pending further enquiries. Several
witnesses have already come forward but detectives are keen to hear from all of
the people pictured as they may have information that could be important to the
Police investigation. The victim is believed to have been involved in an
argument with a man and woman while stood at the bar of the pub which resulted
in all 3 being ejected separately from the premises. At 11.30pm, the Police were
called after members of the public reported the 24 year old lying unconscious
immediately outside the Quarry Quarter. He was taken to hospital by paramedics
and later transferred to Walton Neurological Centre where he remains in a
critical, but stable condition. Detectives from St. Anne Street CID have carried
out extensive CCTV enquiries and are urging all the people pictured to come
forward and speak to them, as well as anyone else who has information about how
the victim came to be injured. Detective Inspector Sarah Kenwright said:-
"A young man who was visiting Liverpool on a night out has suffered an extremely
serious head injury and we need to gather all the information we can about what
happened. 2 men have been arrested on suspicion of assault however our
investigation is still on going and witnesses are still being sought. We are
treating all the people in the CCTV stills as potential witnesses and they are
not in any trouble. We simply need to know what they can tell us about the
circumstances surrounding this young man’s injuries. If you recognise yourself
in the photographs, or you were in the Quarry Quarter last Sunday night and have
something that could help us then please come forward. It is vital we do
everything we can for this young man and bring any perpetrators to justice."
Call St Anne Street CID on:- 0151 777 4065 or Crimestoppers on:- 0800 555 111.
