Environment issues know no
AN independent commission is calling
for an approach to environment issues which cuts across political boundaries.
The Commission on Environmental Sustainability set up by the Mayor of Liverpool,
Joe Anderson, in July 2013 has carried out a review of what is needed to support
Liverpool as a sustainable City when resources will be in scarcer supply and
when quality of place will be a key factor in determining economic development.
In its report, the Commission argues that "local political boundaries must
be put aside in the interests of the whole region" and that the Mayor
should seek a commitment from local political leaders for a single unified
vision for an environmentally sustainable City region. And they are also urging
that a Northern Commission on Environmental Sustainability be established.
Professor Nigel Weatherill, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool
John Moores University, who chaired the commission said:- "The commission
has listened to comments, views and ideas on what is required to ensure that
Liverpool is environmentally sustainable into the future. It is clear from our
work that the City faces many challenges. Our recommendations range from
those that could be implemented immediately to those that will need further work
and consideration. However, what was very clear was the enthusiasm and
commitment of many across the City to address these issues."
Among the other recommendations made by the Commission are:-
► Options for a municipal or City-wide energy company should be considered.
► A Director of Environment Sustainability for the City be appointed.
► The Combined Authority and Merseytravel should begin the process to take back
control of the bus network.
► Measures be taken to improve safety for cycling.
► The Mayor should work with community leaders, education leaders and health
professionals to raise awareness of environmental sustainability issues.
► The universities and colleges should be tasked to develop an International
Research Centre for Environmental Sustainable Cities.
► A digital vision be created for Liverpool that can become the platform
to help deliver a smart, green City.
► A 'Meanwhile Use' be established for plots of land which could be used for
community growing, play areas or exercise areas while they are waiting to be
► There should be a green corridor strategy including pedestrianising areas in
the Knowledge Zone.
► A waste strategy that cuts across political boundaries and recognises waste as
a valuable resource should be developed urgently.
► There should be a review of waste collection to improve recycling rates and
improve cleanliness at a reduced cost.
The Commission received views from young people, school students, businesses,
public sector, third sector, community and faith groups, experts and individuals
at a number of meetings with views also being submitted in writing. It also
looked at good practice in Cities in the UK and wider afield.
Professor Weatherill added:- "Whilst we do not underestimate the size of
the challenges that we have proposed through our recommendations, we are clear
that the position of doing nothing and rolling existing practices forward on a
day to day basis is not an option. We can look at other Cities in the UK and
around the world and assess what they are doing, but the immediate priority is
to look at ourselves and ask what actions are we taking to ensure the
environmental sustainability of the City for the future."
Mayor Anderson said:- "We are facing huge challenges on environmental
issues and how as a City we can adapt to meet them and thrive in the future.
There is no doubt that we have to change if we are to be environmentally
sustainable and the commission's report has set out a series of recommendations
which point the way forward. I very much welcome this report. Its findings are
challenging but if we are to create in the words of the report:-
'a happy healthy clean City for current
citizens and future generations', then we have to take action; and, indeed
we are already involved with a number of initiatives which will take that agenda
We will be giving very serious consideration to what is being suggested in the
report and I thank Professor Weatherill and the other Commission members for
their valuable work." |
Youth and play grants set to
be awarded
A total of £1 million is set to be
awarded to voluntary and community groups in Liverpool to run youth and play
projects over the next year.
A report to the Cabinet is recommending that 26 projects are granted funding to
run schemes including youth clubs, play schemes and educational activities and
Funding has also been given to run a number of City wide targeted play projects
for groups working with young people with disabilities and facing
discrimination. They include Calder Kids, the Young Persons Advisory Service and
Merseyside Play Action Council.
The aim of the ward-funded projects is to provide somewhere for young people to
go at evenings and weekends, in school holidays and at half term. Funding has
been targeted at poorer areas and the majority of it has gone to consortiums
which bring together different organisations. This has helped lever in
additional funding from other sources such as housing associations, the Mayoral
Neighbourhood Fund for ward Councillors and charities.
Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Councillor Steve Munby, said:- "This is
the culmination of several years work developing a more joined up approach to
working with young people at a local level.
Instead of groups competing for funds, and clubs opening and closing on the same
nights we've worked to provide a more comprehensive service.
The grant is less than it used to be, but we've been able to lever in new funds
at ward level, which more than offsets the reduction.
Groups will be working together more closely in providing activities for young
people ranging from providing a safe place to go after school or in the holidays
to expanding horizons with access to sports and cultural activities.
We're also providing a degree of stability with the funding committed for the
next two years and in principle for the third."
Local housing associations have been a key partner in the new approach,
particularly Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT), Plus Dane, South Liverpool Housing (SLH),
Riverside Housing and Cobalt. They have made generous donations to the pooled
budgets and are operating as the 'bankers' for the majority of the consortium.
The report will be considered by the Cabinet on Friday, 20 March 2015.
New Prince's Trust 12 week development course
taking for 16 to 25 now offering places

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course. The Prince's Trust also place young people in a 2 week work environment
suitable for that person, which will enable them to gain valuable work
experience and a suitable reference. You will also gain a qualification at the
end along with other certificates. The course is appropriate for a range of
people and additional support is offered to those who need it. If you are
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This course does not cost anything and you will not lose your benefits.
Courses to be held at:-
Southport Football Club, Haig Avenue, Southport, Merseyside, PR8
► Team 4, on Monday, 20 April to Friday, 10 July 2015.
► Team 5, on Monday, 7 September to Friday, 27
November 2015. Centre 63 Youth Centre,
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► 5 May to 24 July.
To apply, and to find out more information about terms and conditions, contact:-
07500606740 or send an email to:-
ben.duffy@westlancs@ac.uk. |