CCTV released
after Liverpool Central phone theft

BRITISH Transport Police
are calling on the public to trace 2 men officers would like to
speak to about the theft of smart phone from Liverpool Central rail
station. The incident happened shortly after 2.05pm on Wednesday, 23
October 2013, at the O2 store in the station.
PC Colin Pattison said:- "2 men entered the shop and appeared
to be browsing through a number of products. Suddenly one of the men
grabbed an iPhone 5c, worth about 500, and ran out of the shop.
Business within the station are vital and form part of the wider
rail community. Theft from shops is just as serious as thefts from
passengers and I am determined to trace those responsible for this
theft. If you recognise the men in the CCTV images please give BTP a
call; we believe they have key information in relation to the

If you can help the investigation in any way ring BTP
on:- 0800 40 50 40 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555
111. In all calls please quote log:- B8/NWA of 21/11/2013.
Inspectors praise youth offending
LIVERPOOL'S Youth Offending
Service has been praised by inspectors for its effectiveness in
reducing reoffending.
A team from HM Inspectorate of Probation spent 3 days reviewing the
team in October, looking at the effectiveness of work with those who
offend, or who are likely to offend. Dozens of individual case files
were examined to look at their quality and effectiveness.
It comes as the latest figures show that the service is making an
impact in cutting the number of young people entering the criminal
justice system.
Over the last year, the number of
young people entering for the 1st time has dropped by half; down
from 265 to 132 over the last 12 months. There has also been a fall
of just over a 3rd; 34% - in the number of custodial sentences.
Inspectors found a "positive picture" since the last
inspection 4 years ago, and said that:- "significant progress
had been made in the quality of assessments and plans being
undertaken by practitioners."
They judged that staff were "committed and well supported"
and that they produce "good quality reports, assessments
and plans."
The quality of pre-sentence reports was praised, as was the
engagement of young people in assessments.
Mayoral lead for Community Safety, Councillor Peter Brennan, said:-
"Our Youth Offending teams carry out extremely difficult work, and
have the tough task of changing the behaviour of some of the City's
most challenging young people. I am delighted that the inspectors
have given the service such a glowing report. Despite the cuts to
our City it is a terrific vote of confidence for the team, their
hard work and the overall management of the service."
6 out of the 8 criteria were assessed by inspectors as above
average, while the other 2 were identified as areas for improvement.
They have recommended the
reviewing of plans developed to manage the risk of harm to others
and, in some cases, the management oversight of the quality of
assessments and plans.
Red Squirrel
Population On The Up
Photographs below are by
Patrick Trollope

FORMBY Pinewoods and
Freshfield National Trust Red Squirrel Reserve, is one of the very
last refuges of the Red Squirrels in the UK, but the population came
under threat after a serious outbreak of Squirrel Pox in 2008. As
there are only 12 squirrel refuges in Britain, the worry was that
beautiful animal could be on the verge of disappearing forever.

Since then the University of Liverpool in
collaboration with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, have been
monitoring the red squirrel population, but the study by the has now
found that the red squirrel population along the Sefton coastline
appears to be recovering. It you want to help fund the support the
red squirrels for future generations and make a real difference to
the future at Formby by donating money. Text:- 'SQRL01',
plus amount (eg. £5) to:- '70070'. Also to find out
more about the reserve go to:-

2 Referee Jobs officials have been
officially recognised as the best in Europe after they represented
the UK at the recent European 6 a side finals and now you can follow
in their footsteps by signing up to a free course in Southport.
Stuart Winton and Richard Butler have just returned from Crete,
where they were the star referees at the miniEURO2013 event, which
saw 24 countries come together to play for the right to be European
6 a side Champions. Stuart and Richard were voted as the
referees of the tournament, with Richard acting as 3rd official in
the final between Romania and Croatia; a match that was played in
front a crowd of 4,000 people in a purpose built stadium on the
beach in Rethmyno City. Speaking of the honour Stuart
said he was thrilled:- "To be voted as the best referees in
Europe is something that we never expected. It is incredible to be
recognised in this way and both myself and Richard are grateful to
everyone involved in the tournament." Among the games
that their pair officiated together were the sell-out clash which
saw host nation Greece and Germany play in the 2nd round, a match
which Richard describes as:- "the highlight of my career, the
atmosphere was unlike anything I ever experienced."
Now Referee Jobs are offering the chance to any officials, either
experienced or novice, to take part in a course in Southport
designed to set small sided referees on their way to the top.
The lessons are free and take place at. For more information
contact:- |