therapists give people back their independence

from Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust community teams in
West Lancashire welcomed the local community to Ormskirk and
District Hospital with a display in the main entrance to celebrate
Occupational Therapy Week 2013.
Occupational therapists help people who are ill, disabled or feeling
the effects of ageing. The community teams provide therapy to people
across the area to enable them to carry out their everyday
necessities such as bathing or cooking, going to work or school, or
more pleasurable activities such as carrying on with a favourite
hobby or socialising with friends.
Occupational therapy can not only prevent hospital admissions, but
also prevent admission to nursing homes. The therapists are able to
provide housing adaptations and equipment which reduce or remove the
need for daily home care. For example, 10 sessions of occupational
therapy for those with dementia can improve the person's function
and reduce the burden on the care giver. These effects still remain
after 3 months.
Interventions can include: goal setting with the patient to develop
a patient specific treatment programme; improving function in
activities of daily living e.g. washing, dressing, bathing, kitchen
skills, posture and positioning, management of spastiCity through
splinting and the provision of assistive devices.
Anne, aged 78, saw a therapist after a bad fall in October. She
needed equipment and advice on getting around the house safely,
managing daily jobs and preventing another accident. Her
self-confidence improved and she is now out meeting friends, walking
her dog and enjoying life.
Julie Graham, Senior Occupational Therapist, said:- "It has
been fantastic telling people in our community about our profession.
It has been really inspiring demonstrating how we are able to help
people lead more independent and rewarding lives."
If you feel you would benefit from an assessment from an
occupational therapist, speak to your GP, nurse or another health or
social care professional and ask them for a referral.#
Mayor of
Prescot's Charity Chrsitmas Concert
ON Thursday, 12 December
2013, from 7pm to 8.15pm at the Prescot Parish Church, Prescot (L34
1LA), the South Liverpool Orchestra (Hope University) conducted by
Dr Robert Howard, along with Evelyn Community Primary School Choir,
St Mary & St Paul's Primary School Choir, Prescot Parish Church
Choir and Prescot & Whiston Methodist Choir, will be hosting the
Mayor of Prescot's Charity Chrsitmas Concert. Proceeds donated to
Prescot Parish Church Roof Appeal and the four Mayoral Charities -
Willowbrook Hospice, Bryer Environmental Group, Prescot Historic
Society and Prescot Parish Church Choir. Tickets £5 on the door
(accompanied under 16's free).
Calls to
Liverpool businesses and teams to join this year's world Santa

SANTA Dash organisers BTR
have partnered with Liverpool-based baking and cake decorating
experts Renshaw to celebrate the 10th Annual staging of the UK's
largest festive fun run, commissioning an official event cake by
award winning cake designer Terry Tang.
British brand Renshaw was the perfect partner for this year's event
as grantee of the royal Warrant from her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,
first granted by George VI in 1950 for almond products. The UK's
leading manufacturer of marzipan and ready to roll icing supply both
locally and internationally. The cake will celebrate the 10th annual
staging of the Santa Dash and be the perfect offering to welcome the
US event partners attending the Liverpool race ahead of the Las
Vegas challenge a week later. Liverpool, however, will be raising a
glass in what is hoped to be victory.
Mark Bosworth, Renshaw marketing director, said:-
"The Santa
Dash is not only a fun and festive event, it is also a fantastic
team-building activity for local businesses. Renshaw has been
involved with the race for several years in support of our own house
charity, and being able to collaborate with Terry Tang to sweeten
the deal for new sign-ups to the event is hugely rewarding."
Liverpool Business leader Frank McKenna who invited local and
national businesses to join this year's festive fun run, which he
believes with the City backing the title should be a 'piece of
Frank McKenna said:- "I'm delighted to be getting involved and DowntownLiverpool are right behind it. Obviously we need to get that
record back but more importantly we need to raise loads of money for
a fantastic charity and we're encouraging businesses and our members
in particular to get involved. It also enables them to team build;
it's a great opportunity to get together and get involved in
something that is fun, and of course on the day itself it's
Liverpudlian cake crafter and decorator, Terry Tang, added:-
Santa Dash commission is particularly significant. The cake
itself was great fun to create and we hope it makes people smile,
but the wider aim is to celebrate the work that has gone into the
event so far and encourage even more organisations to become
involved in this year's world record attempt."
This year's official event charity is Claire House Children's
hospice. Visit Santa Dash HQ to enter and collect your Santa Suit,
at Liverpool 23 Hatton Garden, Liverpool L3 2FE or go