Letter to
Editor:- "Find out more about adoption"
"HAVE your readers ever thought about adopting and wanted to find out more? If
so, now is a good time to take that important first step. It is
National Adoption Week 4-10 November and over the next few weeks
Local Authorities and Voluntary Adoption Agencies across the UK will
be holding special information events. It's a great opportunity to
learn all you need to know about adopting, how the adoption process
works; what support is available and who the kinds of children are
who need a 'forever family'.
Every year, there are over 4,000 children throughout the UK who need
to be adopted and there is a desperate shortage of adopters. The
British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF) is asking if you
have room in your life and heart to become a parent to a child or
sibling group. It may sometimes be challenging, but many adoptive
parents have told BAAF, it is the most amazing, rewarding thing they
have ever done. People from all walks of life are needed, so please,
take that important first step and find out more about adoption.
Please visit:-
to get details of your nearest event."
Shan Nicholas,
Interim Chief Executive, British Association for Adoption and
Fostering. Letter to Editor:-
"Time to make a difference!"
"THERE is so much talk these
days about 'Broken Britain' but what are we actually doing to
make things better? I'd like to offer your readers an opportunity to
do just that. Make a Difference Day is all about trying to make
society a better place by volunteering for worthwhile causes in your
community, so I'd like to tell your readers about how they can help.
I work for the national disability charity Vitalise. We run the
Sandpipers centre in Southport, which provides much-needed respite
breaks for people with disabilities and carers from across the
region. Our breaks are an absolute lifeline for people who suffer
from incredible isolation in their daily lives and for whom every
day can be a monumental struggle. But we simply couldn't do what we
do without the hundreds of volunteers each year who willingly give
up their free time to provide support and companionship for our
Our volunteers are a really diverse bunch. They come from all
backgrounds, cultures and nationalities and vary in age from 16 to
over 80. They range from young people hoping to gain work experience
to retired people wanting to put their free time to good use – and
everything in between! Some of them come from the local area while
others travel half way round the world to give their precious time
to Vitalise, but they all share a common desire to improve
themselves and the society they live in.
What's more, our volunteers gain so much from the experience. 8 out
of 10 of our volunteers told us that volunteering had improved their
understanding and attitude towards different nationalities and
cultures and nine out of ten said that they felt more confident and
well-rounded as a result. An amazing eight out of ten also said they
had been inspired to get more involved in their local communities
and play a greater part in society.
It's clear that volunteering really does inspire us to make the
world a better place! So I would like to invite your readers to be
inspired too, and spend a week of their time - or just the odd day -
helping our disabled guests have a much-needed break. It's
tremendous fun and a fantastic opportunity for you to put your
experience to good use, gain new skills and make new friends from
all over the world, so why not give it a try? For more info call
0303 303 0147 or visit:-
Colin Brook, Vitalise. |
75th Anniversary
of the Battle of the Atlantic night at Formby Books

FORMBY Books hosted a 75th
Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic night in aid of Lord Mayor
of Liverpool's charity appeal on 26 October 2013. Tony Higginson
Formby Books told us that:- "Paul McDermott came and did a
couple of traditional Liverpool songs, as an additional act as well
a performance by the soprano Sarah Lowe, all of who are on the
Atlantic CD. Sadly, Su Grainger was poorly and could not make it.
BBC Radio Merseyside's wonderful Maureen Walsh kindly compared and
organised the whole event and Syd 'The Banjo' Smith kept us very
amused between songs as well. We raised £150 from the sale of the
superb Atlantic CD and donations, a huge thanks to all who came and
supported this event..."

MERSEYSIDE Police have released a picture of a
pendant that was stolen following a burglary in Maghull earlier this
month. Officers were called to a house on Green Lane on Friday, 4
October following a report that it had been burgled sometime between
Tuesday, 24 September and Friday, 4 October 2013, while the owners
were away. A number of items were stolen, including a distinctive
pendant (pictured), which is of sentimental value to the owner. The
item is a Waterford crystal pendant with a clock face in the centre
of it. Patrols attended and officers have conducted a search of the
area. House-to-house enquiries have been carried out and a forensic
examination of the house has been completed.
Anyone with any information about the pendant
o r
information that could be relevant to the inquiry are asked to
contact Sefton CID on:- 0151 777 3046 or Crimestoppers, anonymously,
on:- 0800 555 111. |