Bonfires and Fireworks Displays 2013
Photograph below is
by Patrick Trollope...
IF you are not holding your
own shows this year we have quite a few professional firework
displays to choose from on Merseyside. As normal most of our skies
will be light up by public and privet displays, but please remember
to be safe this year. Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have
reported that:- "Last year we attended 473 bonfire related
incidents. This is a reduction of 30% compared with the previous
year on Merseyside. The majority of accidents happen at private
parties so it is best to attended organised displays." So
you will be pleased to know that this year you have quite a few to
choose from... Starting with Southport
Rugby Club Fireworks
(PR8 4QW) will be holding one on Friday, 1 November 2013, followed
by Birkenhead Firework Display
2013 (Birkenhead Park, CH41
4HY), Halsall Bonfire and Fireworks (L39 8RR), Leasowe Firework
Display and Bonfire 2013, Lingham Park, Upton - Fireworks only,
Upton Park, Moreton - Fireworks only, Woodchurch Leisure Centre -
Fireworks only, Central Park (CH46 6BN), Wallasey - Fireworks only
(CH44 0BS), Mersey Park, Tranmere - Fireworks only, Mayer Park,
Bebington - Fireworks only, Leasowe Adventure Playground - Fireworks
and bonfire, Newsham Park (Newsham
Drive) and Sefton
Park (Croxteth Drive),
Spark in the Park - Sherdley Park, St Helens (Call:- 01744 676864),
all on 5 November 2013. That is not forgetting Hesketh Round Table
has organised a family bonfire and firework display in aid of Help
For Heroes on Tuesday, 5 November 2013. We advise that you ring
before planning a visit to check all these details are up to date
and also that note that events are subject to weather conditions.
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service along with many of the event
organisers have added:- "Please do not bring along your own
fireworks, sparklers or Chinese lanterns to any of the displays!"
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
have also said that:- "The Fire & Rescue Service are working
with Merseyside Police and would like to advise that the safest
events are the organised bonfire and fireworks display in and around
your area. If you want advice please contact your local Council or
If you do hold your own party, make sure you follow the firework
code, shown below, thanks to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service:-
Bonfire Safety Tips
If you have a bonfire, follow these simple guidelines:-
► Bonfires can only be held on private land with the owners
► Warn your neighbours beforehand; so they are aware and can make
necessary preparations.
► Only burn dry material, do not burn anything which is wet or damp,
this causes more smoke.
► Check there are no cables (telephone wires etc.) above the bonfire.
► Build the bonfire well away from buildings, sheds, fences and
► Do not use petrol or paraffin to start the fire it can get out of
control quickly.
Once the bonfire is lit, make
sure you:-
► Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby - in case of
► Do not leave the bonfire unattended.
► Keep children and pets away from the bonfire.
► Do not throw any fireworks into the fire.
► Do not burn aerosols, tyres, canisters or anything containing foam
or paint - this could produce toxic fumes and some containers may
explode, causing injury.
► Once the bonfire has died down, spray the embers with water to
stop it reigniting and ensure it is completely extinguished.
As a local Firework Display team and Firework retailer
MDL Fireworks Ltd.
told us:- "If you are having a privet display, say at home,
you can help minimise dangers to you and other by only buying fireworks from
'registered' or 'licence' stores. It is illegal for people who
are not 'registered' or 'licence' to sell Fireworks.
If you go to a legitimate shop, they can explain what
each firework does and if it is safe for you to use them, within the
area you want to display in. Please
ask before buying and using fireworks, as not only do you find out
what it does, but also how to use the firework, in question, safely!
Help legitimate shops like ours, to protecting you and the safety of others by ensuring that the
fireworks you only obtain are from legitimate storage and distribution
outlets. If you are getting
your own fireworks please remember to bring your ID with you as
well, as 'legitimate' and
'reputable' retailers will not sell to you if you do not have it!
You must be able to prove you are over 18! If you have concerns over anyone selling fireworks, you can report
this by phoning the Citizens Advice consumer service - The Office of
Fair Trading, on:-08454 04 05 06."
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service adds:- "Have a safe and
enjoyable celebration by staying safe, staying smart and staying
Links to external
ROSPA Bonfire Safety:-
Gardens Bonfires:-
Did you know?
The local Firework team
MDL Fireworks Ltd. are putting on
the Lancaster Firework
Spectacular on 2 November 2013.
They are also firing at the Fleetwood Town
FC site, on the 3 November
2013, along putting on many others shows through out the year and
this November. |
A bit of Light
Railway fun this Hallowe'en
Photographs below are by
John McIntyre...

THE West Lancashire Light
Railway (WLLR)
will be celebrating it's annual Hallowe'en festivities... "All
of your readers, young and old, are all invited... Dare they come
and visit us on Sunday, 27 October 2013, they will have a
frightfully good time!!!" they told us.
Steam trains will run as usual from 11.30 to 4.00pm, but after that,
as darkness falls, the steam hauled Hallowe'en Specials will operate
from 5.00pm until 6.30pm... The Railway runs next to a former clay
pit which served a brickworks adjacent to the old West Lancashire
Railway, so you could not ask for a more interesting setting!

Admission free. Tickets to ride on
the trains will cast:- Adult - £2.50, Children - £1.50, Seniors -
£2.00, Family tickets - £6.00.
Look out for The Tarleton Terror,
The Barmy Bishop of Becconsall, The Headless Horserider from Hundred
End, The Girlie Ghoul from Hoole, and (last, but not least) The
Hound from Hell.
The event offers free car parking on site. The No. 2
Preston-Southport bus passes the entrance to the Railway.
Hot and
cold drinks are available on site.
For more sustaining
refreshments we recommend the nearby branch of Booths or the fish
and chips shop across the road!
If you have not been and do not know its location, use the following
on your Sat Nav. - just type in - Station Road, Hesketh Bank,
(PR4 6SP) and you will find us!
Warning about
illegal sales of fireworks
A warning has been issued
by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service about the dangers of bangers and
selling fireworks illegally.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service officers working in FIRST
(Firework Incident Research Safety Team) along with police officers
have seized 38 tonnes of illegal fireworks since the beginning of
Fireworks can only be sold by retailers with registration from
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service between 15 October and 10 November
The illegal sale of fireworks and poor storage of fireworks can lead
to a conviction.
Members of FIRST also carry out test purchases to uncover those
selling fireworks illegally.
FIRST, which sees police officers working alongside Fire and Rescue
Service officers, has helped convict people for offences including
selling fireworks illegally and poor storage of fireworks.
The number of illegal fireworks seized however has reduced from 12
tonnes in 2006 to 1.5 tonnes in 2012.
Watch Manager Ian Mullen, who is leading the bonfire strategy for
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service this year, said:- "In some
serious cases in Merseyside young people have had their fingers
blown off by bangers. They are unpredictable and are dangerous.
People who sell illegal fireworks, particularly to youngsters, could
be responsible for leaving them with serious injuries through
firework misuse. Selling fireworks out of the back of a van or a
house is illegal. It is also illegal to throw fireworks in the
street. Joint inspections will also be carried out by Fire Officers
and Trading Standards to ensure shops are registered by Merseyside
Fire and Rescue Service to sell fireworks."
Bangers were made illegal by the Fireworks (Safety) Regulations
1997. Any retailer caught selling bangers may face 6 months
imprisonment and a fine of up to £5,000.
Chief Superintendent Rowley Moore from Merseyside Police said:-
"Anti-social behaviour throughout this period will not be
tolerated and anyone suffering from it should call us so that we can
take action. I would also warn anyone thinking of selling fireworks
illegally to think again. Selling fireworks without a licence and
selling fireworks that are counterfeit are both criminal offences
and highly irresponsible and we will be out in force in the coming
weeks to crack down on this problem. If you want advice please
contact visit:-"