PAUL Davies, Bellway Homes' site manager at
Links View on Liverpool Road in Ainsdale, Southport, is the proud
recipient of the National Home Building Council (NHBC) Pride in the
Job Award.
The dedicated site manager has worked for Bellway Homes for 13
years, and this is Paul's second Pride in the Job award.
Pride in the Job is a truly prestigious award. It is designed to
reward and recognise site managers who consistently demonstrate
commitment to only the highest standards in homebuilding.
It is 1 of the most impressive industry accolades, with recipients
managing developments that display quality of workmanship and
stringent health and safety controls. Site managers who receive the
award are always excellent leaders, supported by a talented team.
Paul, aged 46 from Clitheroe, says:- "I am honoured to have
been rewarded a Pride in the Job Award as it is the highest industry
accolade a site manager can receive. The award represents
recognition of my hard work and committed efforts of the whole
construction team at Links View. I take great pride in my work and
continually strive to deliver high quality new homes for Bellway
Jenny Bell, sales director at Bellway Homes, comments:- "We
are really proud of Paul on achieving a NHBC Pride in the Job Award.
Paul's experience on site has clearly impressed the NHBC.
Not only does the award represent success for Paul and his team, but
it is also a benefit to Bellway Homes. Paul is without doubt an
asset to the company and he thoroughly deserves this accolade."
Hill Dickinson poker team come up
trumps at corporate games

THE international law firm, Hill Dickinson put a team
forward to take part in the poker tournament at the corporate games
in Coventry. The event took place on 6 July to 7 July 2013, and Nick
Glover from their insurance team made it through to the finals.
Kai Graf von Pahlen, Solicitor at Hill Dickinson and part of the
poker team said:- "The event was really enjoyable, it was nice
for a group of us from the firm to spend a weekend at the games and
it there was a real team spirit amongst us even though we were
playing individually." The team who played are part of the firm's regular poker league who
meet on a monthly basis to play for the law firm's local charity,
Community Foundation for Merseyside.
Those who took part were:-
Carol McCarty
• Paul Wilkinson
• Nicholas Glover
• Colin Tsai
• Jill Mathews
• Kai Graf von Pahlen
• Stephen King
• Andrew London
• Sean Banks
• Sam Grosvenor
• Steven Smith
Photo Opposite:- Nick
Glover (Hill Dickinson Poker League) with Sandie Dallow
(Casino Manager at Grosvenor G Casino Coventry). |
business plan for the new Royal published

THE Appointment Business Case for the new
Royal has been approved by the Department of Health and is now
available to view on the Trust's
This is the 1st time since the publication of the Outline Business
Case in 2010 that the Trust's business plan will be made available
to the public. The appointment business case (ABC) has been highly
scrutinised by local healthcare commissioners, government officials
and independent organisations. It outlines in detail why the new
hospital is required, how the hospital will be paid for and also how
the Trust will provide healthcare in the future.
Helen Jackson, director of strategy and redevelopment said:-
"Since 2010 we have worked hard to reduce the cost of the project,
in particular the cost of repayments to a private finance partner
for the private finance initiative (PFI). We expect to secure £89m
from the European Investment Bank, which together with £94m from the
Department of Health and other funding will mean around three
quarters of the project will be publicly funded. This has enabled us
to reduce the PFI payments from £34.3m a year to £21.9m, which is
equivalent to less than 6% of annual turnover."
The new Royal will provide patients and visitors with a completely
different environment to the current hospital.
It will be the centre for emergency, urgent and
specialist care.
Patients will come to the new Royal with serious
conditions and will be cared for on wards with all single rooms and
ensuite facilities.
Visitors will be able to park on the hospital site,
walk straight into hospital and will be able to find the ward they
want to visit much easier, due to a much simpler layout.
Each of the rooms will have windows from ceiling to bed level and
work stations located close to the rooms so that medical staff can
keep patients under close supervision.
They will be equipped with the latest technology such
as motion sensors to detect sudden movements such as a patient
getting out of bed, as well as intercom systems and call alarms for
patients to contact staff. As well as ensuite facilities each room
will be fitted with freeview TV and internet facilities to provide
patients with greater home comforts.
There will also be day rooms on each of the wards so
that patients are able to mix with each other if they wish to.
"With the measures we will put into place for the new hospital. We
expect that most people will have short stays in the new Royal of up
to 5 days, except some specialist wards. After which they should be
fit enough to be discharged home or to a community care provider, or
if they require a longer hospital stay they can be transferred to Broadgreen
Hospital, which will be the centre for rehabilitation and planned
treatment." said Helen Jackson,
Aidan Kehoe, chief executive added that:- "The ABC outlines
our future vision of healthcare for the people of Liverpool. We will
have a state of the art new hospital and working in partnership with
other healthcare providers such as the Liverpool Clinical
Commissioning Group and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation
Trust, we will have the world class facilities we need to tackle the
high rates of cancer and other the serious health problems that we
face in this City. In addition the construction of the new Royal
will bring £240m of investment into the City and it will create
hundreds of jobs during construction. The BioCampus will create up
to 5,000 hi-tech jobs with a once in a life time opportunity to
change the face of the local economy by putting Liverpool onto the
world stage of the multi-billion pound health and life science
industry. Gaining approval of the appointment business case is
another huge step forward for the new Royal and we are proud to be
able to now share our plans with the people of Liverpool."
Following publication of the ABC the Trust will be taking questions
from the public via Twitter. To join in follow @RoyalLpoolHosps or #newRoyal. |