A night on the
(Minton) Tiles with Sir Paul McCartney
LIVERPOOL'S rare Minton Tiles will once again
be displayed this summer along with two rarely seen sculptures from
award winning local artist, Tom Murphy.
The life size sculptures of Sir Paul McCartney and Princess Diana
form part of a comprehensive collection of Tom's works and will be
placed in the Great Hall amongst the statues of notable figures,
The floor will be uncovered for 2 weeks only, from Saturday, 3
August to Sunday, 18 August 2013, to reveal its magnificent tiles.
And during the floor reveal there will be a display of how the tiles
are made and the proposed restoration of worn areas by the doors.
Liverpool's Lord Mayor, Councillor Gary Millar said:- "The
Minton Tiles are a great visitor attraction and the floor reveal is
always hugely successful. The Great Hall floor, made up of 30,000
hand crafted Minton tiles has been covered since the 1860's to
provide a surface for dancing."
Cabinet member for culture and tourism, Councillor Wendy Simon
added:- "This year, in addition to the amazing display of
craftsmanship is a fantastic, 1st time opportunity to view the full
range of Tom Murphy's work and practice. I would urge anyone who
hasn't yet seen the Minton Tiles to visit St George's Hall and the
beautiful artwork and sculptures that will be on display."
Tom Murphy's work, spanning 25 years will be on display until
Sunday, 29 September 2013, with workshops being offered every
Thursday throughout the exhibition. For £10 the workshops will see
Tom demonstrate how to make a human head in clay and discussing
various aspects of sculpture.
Tom told us that:- "I am delighted to be exhibiting at such a
prestigious building. This will be a great opportunity for me to
show a vast range of pieces, old and new and I hope I can encourage
anyone with a passion for art to come along and view the collection
in such a wonderful setting."
The floor consisting of 30,000 hand crafted tiles, many depicting
the world famous Liver Bird, was last uncovered in August 2012 and
once again, attracted thousands of visitors.
The tiles can be viewed daily from 10am to 5pm with the last
admission at 4.30pm every day. There is a small admission charge of
£2.50 for adults, under 16's are free. A special offer to visit both
the floor and exhibition is £4.00 per person. |
Time running out
to catch up with 2nd property tax
PEOPLE who have sold properties which are not
their main homes, and have not told HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
about any profit, have 1 month left to make use of the disclosure
opportunity. HMRC's Property Sales Campaign is aimed at those
selling second homes in the UK or abroad where Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
should be paid. It includes properties that were rented out and
holiday homes. Taxpayers have until 9 August 2013, to tell
HMRC about any unpaid tax on such property sales, and until 6
September 2013, to pay the tax that they owe. By using the campaign
to come forward voluntarily, people will receive the best possible
terms, and any penalty will be lower than if HMRC approaches them
Marian Wilson, Head of HMRC Campaigns, said:- "Over the last
few months we have published articles and written to a lot of people
to make them aware of the campaign. As a result, hundreds of people
have now come forward. It is not too late for people to contact us.
If you have sold a second home you might not know it could attract
Capital Gains Tax. If anyone has done this in the past and is
unsure, they should look at HMRC's website and use our simple
decision tree to find out if they might owe CGT. Telling HMRC about
your tax liabilities is straightforward, and help, advice and
support are available."
After 6 September 2013, HMRC will take a much closer look at the tax
affairs of people who have sold properties other than their main
home, but who appear to have paid no CGT. We will use information
that we hold about property sales in the UK and abroad; to identify
people who have not paid what they owe. Penalties; or even criminal
prosecution; could follow.
People can take advantage of the campaign by:-
► Telling HMRC about unpaid tax by 9
August 2013.
► Disclosing the details of what they owe.
► Paying the tax owed by 6 September 2013.
For more details on the campaign, taxpayers can visit HMRC's
Help is also available from HMRC by calling:- 0845 601 8819.