Commissioner to
welcome Baroness Newlove to Blackpool
HELP and support for victims of crime will be
the focus when Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner welcomes
Baroness Helen Newlove to the county.
The Victims' Commissioner will join Clive Grunshaw and a host of
partner agencies at a special event in Blackpool, designed to
celebrate the work of groups across the Fylde Coast who are working
to make a difference for victims of crime.
Responsibility for commissioning victims' services is set to
transfer to Police and Crime Commissioners, and Clive Grunshaw will
also use the opportunity to speak to the Baroness about her role and
find out what more can be done to help and support victims.
The Commissioner said:- "I am delighted Baroness Newlove is
joining us in Blackpool, and it will be a privilege to welcome her
to the county.
This is an excellent opportunity to show off some of the excellent
work partner agencies and voluntary groups are undertaking across
the Fylde coast, and for Baroness Newlove and I to discuss some of
the issues around supporting victims of crime.
Responsibility for commissioning services for victims will fall to
me from next year, and I am working hard to ensure the right
frameworks are put in place. I want to make sure all victims of
crime in Lancashire receive the best possible help.
I hope it will be a worthwhile event for everyone involved."
Baroness Newlove rose to prominence as a campaigner following the
murder of her husband, Garry, in 2007, and was appointed Victims'
Commissioner for England and Wales in December 2012.
Baroness Newlove said:- "I am very pleased to be visiting
Blackpool with Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw. We will
be discussing how best to provide the right support for victims of
crime in Lancashire as PCC Grunshaw takes on responsibility for
commissioning of victims' services in the area.
I am confident that PCC Grunshaw and his team will work together
with charities and other agencies to provide the best possible
services for victims in Lancashire."
The event will take place at the Solaris Centre, in South Shore,
Blackpool, on Thursday, 11 July 2013; with the Commissioner heading out
on his roadshow in the town immediately afterwards.
Groups and agencies have been invited to attend and set up stalls to
showcase to Baroness Newlove, the Commissioner and other groups the
work they are undertaking in the area. |
Popular Beer &
Wine Festival Returns with Golden Sands to Mere Brow Farmers Market
mouth-watering success of the pint-sized Beer and Wine Festival at
Mere Brow & Holmeswood Farmers' Market in July and October last
year, a Mini Beer & Wine Festival will be a major part of the next
market on Saturday, 13 July 2013.
And with the sizzling hot weather predicted to stay,Farmers Market
organiser Kelvin Pye said:- "If the current hot weather holds,the farmers market and mini Beer Festival will be very
popular,so I advise people to get there early to stock up with beers
and summer food for the BBQ"
Opening hours at the market held at Homestead Farm are from 10.00 –
1430 and it will feature Medieval Raptors and regular Farmers Market
stalls …. washed down with beers from local micro-breweries plus a
continental lager or two.
On the bitter front ,sees the return of National Hero and the Famous
Golden Sands of Southport Brewery who will be competing with
established favourites such as:- Temptress and Victorian
Oyster Stout from Prestons Hart Brewery and ales from Blackburns
Three B'S Micro Brewery and even organic lagers,pale ale and cider
from Samuel Smiths Brewery in Tadcaster.
There will be fruit wines,and ciders from Yorkshire's Orchard Fruit
Wines, and Dove Syke cider and even non-alcoholic herbal
Sarsaparilla with "mocktails" like Thriller In Vanilla and
Beetle Juice from the Infamous Temperance Bar of Botany Bay.
While for the more sober-minded, Homestead Farms licensed tea-room
will also be supplying non-alcoholic, refreshments including home
made cakes and lunches
The event has the enthusiastic support of the local Southport and
West Lancashire branch of CAMRA (The Campaign for Real Ale) who will
be manning an awareness and membership stand. While for the more
adventurous; or thirsty; a Home Brew beer stand showing visitors
how to brew-it-themselves.
Young families can be entertained
by Formby's very own S & R Birds of Prey, with a display of
Falcons,Hawks and Owls.
The Festival is free and also offers free car parking. Most of the
Stalls are undercover.
All enquiries to:- and:- 01704 212 734 (office
hours only).